Dear Lafayette Community Members and Friends,

We would like to thank all of those who contributed to our Pard Pantry since mid-March. Your donations of food, hygiene items, housewares, and other essentials made this complicated time much more comfortable for the students living on campus for the last five months. Many more of you contributed gift cards and monetary donations to the annual fund. All of this generosity reminds us that many of the best and kindest people we know care about and live in this community!

Pard Pantry suggested donationsNext week, as we transition into the fall semester, dining facilities will re-open for the hundreds of students living on campus. Pard Pantry will continue to need donations during this semester, though our focus will shift to needing more hygiene products and school supplies and fewer meal items (though snacks are always welcome!).

We hope that our experience running the Pard Pantry these past five months will allow us to continue this as a resource for students in need of a bit of additional support. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to arrange for a pickup or dropoff of donations.

Truly yours,
Flor Caceres ’22, Student Government (
Alex Hendrickson, College Chaplain (

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