Dear Faculty,

As we all embark on this new, unique semester, I want to wish you a smooth and productive start to the fall. I also want to be sure you are aware that Gateway Career Center, while remote, is fully operational. We will continue to provide one-on-one career counseling for students, are actively engaging with employer partners, and are working to develop a full semester of programming that aligns to students’ needs and interests.

Here’s a sample of key programs and resources that may be of interest to you and your students:

  • Virtual Career Fair: Wednesday, Oct. 7, 5-8 p.m. A variety of employers recruit for internships and full-time opportunities.
  • CareerSpot: Online resource where students can access internships and full-time opportunities, upload application documents, schedule and track on-campus interviews, use calendar features to organize Gateway activities, and find career and graduate school guides and resources.
  • Graduate School Resources: In addition to the more than 60 directories and resources in our Gateway Resources Library related to the graduate and professional school search, we have an extensive collection of online resources for graduate school.
  • Gateway Explore and Connect Program:  Stay tuned for more information soon about this virtual career exploration and networking program for students of all class years and majors.
  • Career Tracks Program: (first-years, sophomores, and juniors) These virtual city-based experiences offer students valuable opportunities to learn about companies, industries, and careers in a personal setting. Students will engage with industry professionals, expand their networks, and increase their awareness of career possibilities.  More information coming soon about this program.

See the full list of fall programs. We look forward to working with you!


Mike Summers
Assistant Vice President, Gateway Career Center

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