Dear Faculty Member,

The Office of International and Off-Campus Education (IOCE) is accepting applications for resident director positions for our faculty-led programs at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Universidad Veritas in San José, Costa Rica, for the fall semester 2021.

Program director responsibilities include:

  • Assistance with program participant recruitment
  • Assistance with program pre-departure meetings
  • Teaching one course while abroad (see below for details)
  • Leading/accompanying various cultural activities and excursions
  • Serving as the on-site adviser, counselor, and on-site liaison with host and home institutions, etc.

Learn more about Goldsmiths, University of London.
Learn more about Universidad Veritas.

Students enroll in three courses at the host institution and one taught by the resident director for a total of four classes. The course taught by the resident director is open, but it should take advantage of the program’s location.

The resident director will receive his/her normal salary, one course release, and a cost-of-living adjustment based on the Department of State’s per diem for incidental expenses, and will have his or her approved expenses (transportation, housing, and other expenses as specified by IOCE) covered by the College.

If you would like to apply for this position, please email the following information:

  • Cover letter with expression of interest, name, department, rank, previous experience taking students abroad, and any other relevant information
  • Detailed description and/or syllabus of the course you propose to teach
  • A memo or an email from your department head acknowledging that you have departmental approval

Applications will be accepted until Sept. 30, 2020. The Off-Campus Studies Committee will review applications and make a recommendation to the provost, who will appoint the directors.

For further information, contact me at or 610-330-5262.


Rochelle Keesler
Director, International and Off-Campus Education

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