Starting this week, most buildings will be locked throughout the day, and all faculty, staff, and students will need to use a key fob or regular key to access the building. This will start next week for Skillman Library during its regular hours. This is to help with cleaning, security, and ensuring that only members of our community are accessing campus spaces as we seek to minimize external traffic.

If you are locked out call the non-emergency Public Safety number, 610-330-5330, for assistance.

Those who do not have a fob can submit a key fob access request. Provide your name, L number, and if a faculty or staff member, department affiliation. If you have never been issued a key fob, one will be prepared for you, and a notice will be sent to pick it up at 901 Bushkill. If you have a key fob associated with your L number, we will reprogram your existing fob. If you have lost your key fob, report this to Public Safety immediately.


  1. Stephen Lammers says:

    How do people access the library?

    1. David Block says:

      Skillman Library is open each day and also offers remote services.

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