Rocco Vonelli smilesWhite van. A smile. Humble. Rocco Vonelli keeps Lafayette’s facilities operating. Fundamental stuff, and easy to take for granted as long as the power works and the campus is well lighted. Rocco makes that happen. He is a masterful and skilled electrician. Thank goodness. He deals with solving risky problems, ones that can hurt you and me. Rocco makes it look easy. He brightens my day, literally and spiritually. —Mark Crain, Simon Professor of Political Economy and chair of policy studies


  1. Guy Hovis says:

    Rocco is a really great guy, highly capable doing his job, cooperative, friendly, positive. Every time that Rocco shows up in Van Wickle Hall, I know the job will be done well and with pride. You deserve to be recognized, Rocco. A hearty congratulations! Lafayette is lucky to have you.

  2. Bruce Ferretti says:

    Thank you Mark and thank you Guy for recognizing the work and personality of one of the nicest persons I have had the pleasure to work with.

    Bruce Ferretti

  3. Nadda Pavlinsky says:

    Congratulations!!! Great job!

  4. Serena K. Ashmore says:

    I agree 100%!! This recognition is SO DESERVED! Congratulations Rocco, you’re an amazing gentleman and colleague! Grateful to know you and work with you!

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