April is National Poetry Month. This year, the library is putting together a book display on Poetry in Translation. Check out English translations of poets from around the globe in the Skillman Library Browsing Area April 1 through the end of the month.
The Libraries are also partnering with other campus units (ISA, Language & Literary Studies, and OID) during the International Extravaganza in April to host an “International Poetry Night” event, in which members of the campus community are invited to read a poem (or sing a song, or perform a monologue!) in a language other than English.
The reader will perform the piece in its native language with an English translation projected behind them. Lafayette students, faculty, and staff are invited to sign up before April 7 to read or perform a non-English piece.
The event will take place in the Gendebien Room (Skillman 206) April 18t at 4:30 p.m. and refreshments will be available. MORE