The Department of Music has a full and varied assortment of courses for everyone with an interest in music. Some are designed specifically for musicians, but most are not—many of them carry GM, H, V, and W attributes.
Please consider taking one of these courses in the fall. If you have any questions about the courses, please contact the instructor.
MUS 103 Akiva Zamcheck Introduction to World Music T/Th 9:30-10:45 WCA 123 GM2, H
MUS 104-01 Chris Badami Music Technology I M/W 11:00-12:15 WCA 213
MUS 104-02 Chris Badami Music Technology I M/W 1:15-2:45 WCA 213
MUS 105 Akiva Zamcheck Creating Your Own Music T/Th 1:15-2:45 WCA 123
MUS 121 Skip Wilkins Music Theory I M/W 1:15-2:30 WCA 123
MUS 130 Holly Roadfeldt Class Piano Lab (.25 cr) T/Th 1:15-2:45 WCA 214
MUS 201 Jorge Torres Music History and Literature, 1600-1915 T/Th 1:15-2:30 WCA 128 GM2, H
MUS 222 Skip Wilkins Music Theory II M/W 11:00-12:15 WCA 123
MUS 224 Skip Wilkins Jazz Improvisation M/W 2:45-4:00 WCA 123
MUS 240 Holly Roadfeldt Women in Music T/Th 11:00-12:15 WCA 123 GM1, GM2, H, W
MUS 263/363 Anthony Cummings How Jazz Began T/Th 2:45-4:00 WCA 128 GM1, H
MUS 266/366 Anthony Cummings But What Did Florence Sound Like? T/Th 11:00-12:15 WCA 128 GM1, GM2, H, V
MUS 362 Jorge Torres War and Peace: Music of the 1960s M/W 1:15-2:30 WCA 128 GM1, W