Kristen Sanford, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, recently earned the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Region 2 Outstanding Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Award. ASCE has nine regions in the U.S., with Region 2 encompassing Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. The award is given annually by ASCE to an individual, or group of individuals, in each region who respect and include diverse perspectives by fostering a fully inclusive culture that celebrates individual uniqueness, engenders a sense of belonging, and promotes equitable opportunity for all people to participate as members and stakeholders of the civil engineering community regardless of identity.

Sanford serves on the board of the Lehigh Valley ASCE Section as a DEI lead and student chapter liaison. She was nominated for the award by the section president based on her work with the section and her commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in her teaching, scholarship, and service as a Lafayette faculty member.