By: Abby Miles ’25

There’s lots of events this week! From professional development to community outreach and sporting events, the campus has something for everyone. Here are five events for this week!

  1. Landis Center Information Session: Looking for a way to get involved in the Easton community? Explore different volunteer opportunities from the Landis Center for Community Engagement. Learn about mentoring or tutoring in a local school, working on a farm, distributing food at local shelters, and other volunteer opportunities in Downtown Easton. Make an impact on the Easton community through Landis! 4:15-5:15 p.m. Mon., Sept. 9 • Risc 362 • MORE
  2. Zumba: Mix up your workout and attend a Zumba class. Experience a total workout with conditioning, balance, and flexibility during an entertaining class. Try a new class at the Rec Center and add dance into your fitness routine. 5-6 p.m. Mon., Sept. 9 • Room 136 Kirby Sports Center • MOREREGISTER
  3. 2024 Fall Career Fair: Register for the Career Fair in Handshake and meet employers from a variety of industries. Over 60 employers are interested in actively recruiting Lafayette students. Gateway Career Center counselors are committed to helping students prepare with resources and events including Document Review Day, Career Closet, and the LinkedIn Photo Studio. Use the resources Gateway has to offer and attend the Career Fair for a great opportunity to expand your professional development. 5-8 p.m. Tues., Sept 10 • Bergethon Room, Marquis Hall • MORE
  4. Women’s soccer vs. Seton Hall: Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see Lafayette’s women’s soccer team at home! For the first time during the school year, the Leopards continue their non-conference play against Seton Hall. Visit Metzgar to experience the new soccer stadium and a good game. 7-9 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 12 • Metzgar Fields Athletic Complex • MORE
  5. Observe the moon: Celebrate International Observe the Moon Night at the Nurture Nature Center. Discover more about moon science and exploration, lunar observation, and different cultural and personal connections to the moon. Observe different lunar phases and learn how other cultures named and interpreted phases differently. 1-2 p.m. Sat., Sept 14 • Nurture Nature Center, 518 Northampton St. MORE