A young person is seated in the center of the frame at a black drumset with chrome trim. Visible in the top left and right of the frame are two cymbals. The young person is holding drumsets and appears to be playing the drums.

Knycalus Green-Jones ’28 plays the drums on the Quad during the Student Involvement Fair. | Adam Atkinson

A young man jumps a mountain bike off of a small ramp in the foreground. He is wearing a cap, gray t-shirt and light blue jeans. In the background there is a crowd of people attending a tabling fair. Further in the background is Pardee Hall.

Henry Epstein ’25 launches off of a small ramp in the middle of the Quad at the Student Involvement Fair. | Adam Atkinson

A student plays guitar on the Quad. | Adam Atkinson

Alex Darrah ’25 and Ellie Barton ’26 celebrate a victory over UVM Aug. 30. | Olivia Giralico