To the Lafayette Community:

I am pleased to announce the members of our Presidential Search Committee and share a few details on the process moving forward. As is customary, the committee will be charged with identifying candidates, reviewing qualifications, conducting interviews, and recommending finalists from which the Board of Trustees will select the 18th president of Lafayette College.

I share the Board of Trustees’ gratitude to those who have agreed to serve on the committee and accepted this most important responsibility.

Joining me on the search committee are:

Linda Assante-Carrasco ’90, Committee Vice-Chair
Lafayette College Trustee – Board Vice Chair
Moraga, Calif.

Tanuja Majumdar Dehne ’93
Lafayette College Trustee
Princeton Junction, N.J.

Jonathan Ellis ’98
Alumni Representative – former Alumni Association President
Westport, Conn.

Tony Fernandez ’81
Lafayette College Trustee
Ridgefield, Conn.

Chawne Kimber
Thomas Roy and Lura Forrest Jones Professor of Mathematics and Co-Director, Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education
Chair, Department of Mathematics

Kamaka Martin ’04
Alumni Representative – West Coast Advisory Council Vice Chair
San Francisco, Calif.

Chris McCumber ’89
Lafayette College Trustee
West Hollywood, Calif.

Jenn Rossmann
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Co-Director, Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education

David Stifel
Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics

Hannah Tatu
Administration Representative – ITS, User Services Specialist

The Honorable Alvin Yearwood ’83
Lafayette College Trustee
Harlem, N.Y.

Mary Zimmerman ’21
Student Government President
Auburn, Pa.

The committee brings to its work a wonderful diversity of experience and perspectives, an extensive knowledge and deep commitment to the values of the institution, and high aspirations for the outcome of the search and Lafayette College’s future. I look forward to working with the committee to recruit an inspiring new president who will continue to build on the College’s strong foundation and exceptional momentum.

Assisting the committee as secretary to the presidential search will be Jim Krivoski. Jim served as committee secretary for the College’s search for its 17th president, Alison Byerly. Additionally, Melissa Starace, assistant to the president for board and community relations, will serve to facilitate activities and communications among the committee, the Board of Trustees, and the on- and off-campus communities.

The search committee has selected the firm of Storbeck Search, a member of the Diversified Search Group, to assist in the process. The Storbeck Search team will be led by Shelly Weiss Storbeck, managing partner of the firm, assisted by her business partner and colleague Sue May. Shelly and her team bring a great breadth and depth of knowledge and experience to the task of recruiting a strong, diverse, and differentiated pool of candidates for consideration. Shelly has supported the College in the past two presidential searches. Her knowledge of and commitment to Lafayette College’s ideals and vision for the future are of the highest order.

The search committee begins its work immediately with the first phase of activity focused on soliciting and considering perspectives from the College community. Unlike past searches, which included many in-person discussion sessions, a significant portion of this initial work will be conducted virtually. The good news is that with the support of technology, we will be able to conduct more sessions, reaching more members of our community, which will provide ample opportunity for the sharing of ideas and thoughtful and thorough discourse. We will of course conduct virtual meetings with certain constituency groups of the College; we also will provide for virtual town hall forums for larger groups in our community. Many of these sessions already are being scheduled. The focus of these conversations will be the priorities the next president will be asked to address and skills the next president will need to possess. The committee looks forward to these sessions and to receiving your input. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your perspectives on the future of the College and the opportunities that lie before us. Once this initial activity is complete a position description and presidential prospectus will be crafted and posted to a search website.

The committee’s activities and deliberations necessarily will remain confidential throughout the search process. This complete confidentiality is, as you know, essential in order to recruit the strongest candidates. To the degree possible and appropriate, we will provide updates as the search progresses.

The selection of the College’s president is arguably the board’s most important responsibility. I am confident that the opportunity to lead this fine institution will attract a superb slate of candidates. With all of you, we look forward to recruiting an exceptional new leader for Lafayette College.


Robert Sell ’84, H’18
Chair, Board of Trustees
Chair, Presidential Search Committee
Lafayette College


1 Comment

  1. Russell M Smith says:

    Please consider someone with history to Lafayette College.

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