Dear Class of 2022,
Congratulations on getting to this point in your academic career! If you can believe it, it’s time to start looking ahead to your graduation. Please remember that while our office does its best to make sure that your degree audit is up to date and accurate, it is always your responsibility to ensure everything in your audit is complete. Graduating from Lafayette requires the following of all students:
32 overall credits (Bachelor of Arts degree or a non-engineering Bachelor of Science degree)
36 overall credits (engineering Bachelor of Science degree)
40 overall credits (dual degree—either two Bachelor of Science degrees or or a Bachelor of Science degree plus a Bachelor of Arts degree. A Bachelor of Arts degree with two majors is not a dual degree and will not result in two degrees or two diplomas.)
All CCS requirements
All major requirements
All minor requirements (If applicable. A minor is not required to graduate.)
2.00 overall GPA
2.00 major GPA
2.00 minor GPA (If applicable.)
As you start planning for your spring semester, please review your degree audit with your academic adviser and let us know of anything that looks incorrect or appears to be missing. Remember that your fall 2021 in-progress classes are counting towards your overall credit count.
Best wishes for a safe and successful rest of the year!
The Office of the Registrar