The Administrative Council is adding seats to our table, and we hope you will join us! The council seeks nominations as we widen our representation to ensure all voices are heard. Nominations are due by May 16 for a June 1 election. Here are the seats we have, new seats we’ve added, and pending vacancies:
Athletics–currently held by Matt Bayly, whose term is ending
Communications–currently vacant
Provost–two seats, with one currently held by Lisa Karam, whose term is ending and a new open seat
Development & College Relations–two seats, with one currently held by Ben Landis and a new open seat
Finance & Administration–two seats, with one currently held by Jill Snyder and a new open seat for our friends in facilities
ITS–currently held by Hannah Tatu, whose term is ending
Campus Life––two seats, with one currently held by Melissa Dalrymple and a new open seat for our friends in public safety
Enrollment–currently held by Kathleen Williams, whose term is ending
HR–a new open seat currently held as ex officio by Lisa Rex
Union–new open seat
Why join? We will soon have a clearer voice as part of the newly formed College-wide budget and DEI committees. Admin Council seeks your department’s ideas on our newly formed benefit and social committees. We plan to hold listening sessions, social gatherings, and brown bag informational lunches. So be part of an active council as we rally around our staff. Make your nominations today.