Dear Lafayette Colleagues,

I’m gathering my 2022-23 email list for Spirit Lunch. Spirit Lunch is one of my favorite Lafayette traditions; I hope you will join us as your schedule allows!

The beginning of the fall semester means the return of Spirit Lunch! Spirit Lunch is a monthly gathering of all interested staff and faculty for a time of food, fellowship, and conversation. Some months we have more structured conversations, but our time together is always about mean-making, values, and thinking together about things that are important to our individual and communal lives.

What is spirituality? Author Brené Brown defines it as, “… recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.” I hope being part of this group will help you feel more connected to the Lafayette community.

Spirit Lunch for Fall 2022 will be from noon-1 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month (9/21, 10/19, 11/16) with a special December gathering on Monday, 12/19. I will reach out before each month’s meeting to ask you to RSVP for that month. This sign-up is to create an email list so I know who is interested in being invited. Lunch is provided at each gathering and we meet in Interfaith Chapel (which is on the 1st floor of Hogg Hall.)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Chaplain Alex Hendrickson


1 Comment

  1. Robert Weiner says:

    Alex, hope you are having a great summer; look forward to joining this special group, whenever we are nearby; hugs and love, bob

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