Join the Dyer Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship for a panel on how patents turn ideas into successful ventures. Hear from patent attorneys, entrepreneurial alumni, and faculty on how intellectual property drives commercialization. Whether you are looking to launch a venture or simply interested in patents, you’ll gain valuable insights. Refreshments and networking will follow. 7-8:30 p.m., Tues., Oct. 1RISC, Room 330MORE

Panelists include:

  • Chad Beyer, Entrepreneur in Residence, CEO of Kures
  • Toby Rossman, Mechanical Engineering
  • Michael McGuire, Patent Holder, Department Head of Civil Engineering
  • Remy Oktay ’23, Patent Holder and Entrepreneur
  • Tom Dunlap ’94, Patent Holder, Adjunct Professor, Patent Litigation Attorney, Founder of Ceres Nanosciences
  • Angela Coxe ’03, Patent Prosecution Attorney
  • Robert Elliot ‘11, Patent Holder, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Submitted by: Jolene Cardassi