Aug 31, 2022
Queer At Lafayette Expo and Open House Sept. 1 at Lavender Lane!
Join OUT in welcoming various LGBTQ+ allied organizations to a Queer information expo at Lavender Lane! Learn about resources on campus and in the greater…
Join OUT in welcoming various LGBTQ+ allied organizations to a Queer information expo at Lavender Lane! Learn about resources on campus and in the greater…
Students wishing to explore a possible Dean’s Excuse for fall religious observances must contact the College Chaplain or a Class Dean no later than noon…
The Fall Student Involvement Fair is 4-6 p.m. Sept. 7 on the Quad! Recognized student groups should sign up by Friday, Sept. 2, to request a table!
John Clark, Geospatial Services Librarian, will be providing a series of six sessions designed to introduce participants to the digital world of maps and…
To: Lafayette College Community From: Jeff Troxell, Director of Public Safety I am writing to reiterate that Lafayette College has a zero tolerance policy…
In recent months, the supply of printing paper available to the campus has been steadily diminished and the cost has been steadily rising, coupled with…
Do you have a passion for performing in front of an audience? Are you an advocate for issues of social justice or public policy? Is spoken word or dramatic…
The Lafayette Library will be offering three sessions of First Year Orientation – 4 p.m. Sept. 6, 7, and 8 in Skillman Library. Students will learn about…
Are you considering a career in the Health Professions? Attend an info session and come learn what it takes to get started in preparing for medical, podiatry…
The College offers a variety of software apps that support learning and research at Lafayette. Many of these applications are already installed in College…