Sep 12, 2022
We’d love to meet your family! Check out the Family Weekend schedule
Family Weekend takes place this weekend (Sept. 16-18). The weekend festivities include campus tours, multiple athletic events, a tailgate on the Quad,…
Family Weekend takes place this weekend (Sept. 16-18). The weekend festivities include campus tours, multiple athletic events, a tailgate on the Quad,…
Forrest M. Stuart, Ph.D., who was appointed interim vice president for enrollment management earlier this year, has announced the interim leadership structure…
The 2022-23 academic year is here and the Office of Educational Equity would like to share some important information with the Lafayette community. The…
Construction fencing will begin to be installed around Kunkel Hall during the week of Sept. 19. Construction fencing will begin to be installed around…
With the successful opening of the new Markle Parking Deck on Aug. 26, the temporary parking lot off of McCartney Street will now be closed per City of…
On Mon., Sept. 19, Deanna Hollas will deliver a keynote lecture to the Lafayette community about gun violence prevention. Theologian Walter Wink understood…
Lafayette College is committed to the protection of copyrighted material and the appropriate and legal use of campus information technology resources.…
Lafayette Leadership Education is pleased to announce the leadership development workshop series sponsored by the Class of 1968 Leadership Endowment. Build…
Dear Faculty Colleagues, We hope your semester is off to a great start! The Office of Advising & Co-Curricular Programs has put together some information…
Are you thinking about how to map your academic/professional interests over the next few semesters? The Health Professions Office has outlined several…