Sep 28, 2021
Turn off smart classroom systems
If you're using a smart classroom, turn off the system before leaving by pressing the red “System Off” button on the touch panel.
If you're using a smart classroom, turn off the system before leaving by pressing the red “System Off” button on the touch panel.
In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Chaplain Alex Hendrickson will offer interfaith prayers for pets and their people.
Enjoy several rounds of trivia, snacks, an ice cream truck, and more. Come dressed in your best farm attire. The first 50 students get free farm swag.
Welcome the staff and faculty who recently joined the Lafayette community. Full-time employees are designated with an asterisk. Academic division Tyler…
Drop off your gently used clothes and dorm decor in the green bins located inside Rockwell, Farinon, Marquis, and certain residence halls.
ASB applications have been extended to Oct.4. Info sessions will be held via Zoom 12:15 pm. Wednesday and 4:30 p.m. Thursday.
Employee flu shots will be offered at Bailey Health Center on Tuesday and Wednesday. Bring your completed consent form.
Join President Hurd, trustees, and other faculty and staff for outdoor, socially distanced volunteer projects with long-term Easton partners of Lafayette…
There are twists and turns around every hotel corridor along with hidden secrets that will possess you to keep reading on.
Learn what to consider when comparing housing options and get tips on how to choose a living situation that’s right for your loved one.