Mar 22, 2024
Apply to be a leader for Alterative School Break!
The Alternative School Break leadership application is open! Landis Center for Community Engagement is looking for passionate students interested in being…
The Alternative School Break leadership application is open! Landis Center for Community Engagement is looking for passionate students interested in being…
Calling all music majors, minors, faculty, and enthusiasts! The Music Department, alongside students from Student Music Advocates of Lafayette College…
The Landis Center for Community Engagement, in coordination with the City of Easton, is sponsoring a morning of city wide beautification from 8:45 a.m…
Congratulations to Remy Oktay ‘24, Trebor Maitin ‘24, and Zachary Fiske ‘23! Their documentary “Silent Skies” earned a nomination from the…
VP Jeffries announces a significant update to the College's policies regarding the use of preferred names, particularly in relation to the issuance of…
UPDATE: An additional student was accepted into the festival Several lafayette film students, including McKenna Graf ’26, Paige Mathieu ’24, Sam Cohen…
On July 1, all Class of 2023 Google Workspace accounts will be deleted along with all files owned by these accounts. A label of “To Be Deleted” has…
Relay for Life is an event through the American Cancer Society that funds cancer research, patient support, and advocacy efforts. This spring, SMAC is…
On the second Annual World Piano Day Celebration, the 88 keys on the Williams Center’s Steinway D will come alive to explore the interplay between science…