Oct 20, 2021
Dance Marathon
Phi Beta Phi sorority will hold its annual fundraiser for children's literacy 3-5 p.m. Saturday on the Quad.
Phi Beta Phi sorority will hold its annual fundraiser for children's literacy 3-5 p.m. Saturday on the Quad.
Come to Metzgar Fields between 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday. Cost is $10 and T-shirts will be for sale; all proceeds will go to Lupus research.
Prof. Trent Gaugler will describe some of his projects and how they illustrate principles of data-informed decision-making.
Simone Dinnerstein brings to life the music of Schumann, Glass, and others.
Join Pi Beta Phi at DU from 10-midnight on Friday. All are welcome. $3 at the door. You must wear a mask.
LVAIC is hosting discussion sessions of What If I Say the Wrong Thing?: 25 Habits for Culturally Effective People from 9-10 a.m. Nov 4, 11, and 18.
Learn from a panel of alumni working in sales professions at notable companies as they review the abundance of opportunities for Lafayette grads.
A student panel will share their internship experiences, advice for getting the most out of your academic journey, and answer your questions about getting…
Costumes are encouraged. Snacks, scares, goodie bags, and good times will be provided. All proceeds go to Project of Easton.
New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players bring a classic to the stage.