Nov 29, 2021
Interim finance, facilities leadership
President Hurd has named Craig Becker, associate vice president for finance and business services, to an interim role overseeing the Division of Finance…
President Hurd has named Craig Becker, associate vice president for finance and business services, to an interim role overseeing the Division of Finance…
Learn about upcoming events and opportunities and meet new staff members and student supervisors. Subscribe to receive future installments.
Starting Dec. 15, any voicemails older than 30 days will be automatically deleted. If you wish to retain a voicemail longer, move it to the Saved folder…
The latest book by Prof. Brett Hendrickson explores complex religious experiences and practices that have shaped Mexican American life in the U.S.
Listen to the rat-a-tat-tat of jazz compositions and arrangements including an original work by Zach Freiheiter ’23.
When you get a new personal device such as a mobile phone or tablet, it's important to register it with the DUO app.
Next semester's classes are now in Moodle for instructors. To see them, change the Course overview block in your Moodle Dashboard to “Future.”
CITLS is conducting the first of a series of informal faculty check-ins to better understand community needs and provide virtual opportunities to share…
Dining Services will have modified hours leading up to and during the Thanksgiving break.
Olympic benches, cabanas, TV mounts, Wii Sports, electronics, and more. The closed auction begins Nov. 29 and ends 3 p.m. Dec. 6.