During the Thu., April 4, Staff Community Breakfast meeting, the newly revised versions of the mission and values statements will be presented for staff…
When a solar eclipse sweeps across North America on April 8, viewers will see >90% of the sun covered here in Easton. However, this amazing event will…
Come join Interfaith Council and Kaleidoscope Social Justice Peer Educators in a discussion about “Healthy Habits, Body Image, and Spirituality.” Dr. Elizabeth…
Master Class with student vocalists | Jurors” tenor Frank Kelley and Pesky Visiting Artist Joshua Rifkin. April 3 MORE Open Rehearsal of the Performance…
The competition was a close one—Bridget Campbell ’25 stacked 21 crates to win the competition, tying the school record (2022). John Hollington ’24…
Every April, the Office of Sustainability celebrates and educates about sustainability themes in recognition of Earth Day. Each Monday, check Lafayette…
April 1: Slinky and Slime Pop Up, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Marquis), while supplies last April 2: Do Something Nice Stand:Students can write positive notes to…
Enjoy complimentary food and beverages, raffle prizes, giveaways, and health screenings. Get helpful information, answers to your questions, and learn…
The Peer Review of Teaching Module: The Critical Teaching Behaviors Framework, is now available in Spaces! This module was developed as a supplemental…