Jan 10, 2022
Moodle course help
Learning and Research Technologies wants to remind you of some key Moodle help documentation as well as encourage you to schedule personal consultations…
Learning and Research Technologies wants to remind you of some key Moodle help documentation as well as encourage you to schedule personal consultations…
To ensure access to Lafayette services when you're away from campus, there are a number of considerations to review.
Learn about the form and survey platform at an in-person workshop on Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Pardee 28.
Starting Dec. 15, any voicemails older than 30 days will be automatically deleted. If you wish to retain a voicemail longer, move it to the Saved folder…
When you get a new personal device such as a mobile phone or tablet, it's important to register it with the DUO app.
Next semester's classes are now in Moodle for instructors. To see them, change the Course overview block in your Moodle Dashboard to “Future.”
Helpful and short video tutorials show how we can more readily protect ourselves when shopping online and even in person.
Guided by the College’s technology strategy, ITS has added staff capacity in research computing, instructional technology, and information security.
By Dec. 1, faculty and lab managers should submit version update requests for academic lab applications as well as inquire about deploying new ones.
Review the College’s policy regarding copying and distribution of copyrighted materials.