Jan 14, 2022
MLK Day resource
The document includes information about films, books, music, poetry, podcasts, articles, and other resources that help honor and illuminate King's legacy…
The document includes information about films, books, music, poetry, podcasts, articles, and other resources that help honor and illuminate King's legacy…
Contribute your suggestions for an asynchronous, crowd-sourced resource that will be shared with the community.
Ring in the holiday season with hot chocolate, cookies, and a winter classic 7-9 p.m. today in Limburg Theater.
She talks about converting to Catholicism at age 8, how her dad and many saints and historical figures molded her devotion to religion, and more.
Sam discusses how he came to identify as an atheist and his views on an afterlife. He explores his connection to music, science, video games, nature, and…
Submit your photo of your loved one or significant figure that has passed by Nov. 1 if you'd like it part of the altar and prayer service presentation…
Lisa Green '24 sits down with Amanda to discuss being both Jewish and agnostic, how her religious feelings have evolved, and more.
Lisa Green '24 interviews Sophia about her journey of spirituality, how she found her own practice within nature and poetry, and more.
Amanda Friedman '25 talks about her relationship with Judaism, the importance of discussing modern day religious prejudice, and more.
In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Chaplain Alex Hendrickson will offer interfaith prayers for pets and their people.