Mar 10, 2023
Holi Fest heralds start of spring (Photos)
Students heralded the start of spring with an on-campus celebration of Holi March 8. The Asian Cultural Association, South Asian Student Association, Grossman…
Students heralded the start of spring with an on-campus celebration of Holi March 8. The Asian Cultural Association, South Asian Student Association, Grossman…
Need help as you’re researching? You can chat with a research librarian through the library’s website or get immediate assistance from the library…
During Women’s History Month in March, AAUW, in support with Landis Center, is organizing LUNAFEST®, a film screening event. LUNAFEST® is a fundraising…
Marc R. Stein, Pasker Professor of History, San Francisco State University will give a lecture March 21 regarding “Students, Sodomy, and the State: LGBT…
Sharon Dodua Otoo, Lafayette’s Spring 2023 Max Kade Writer-in-Residence and 2016 Bachmann Prize winner, will share a reading March 21. After a reading…
Happy Founders’ Day! The march to 2026 is on! On March 9, 1826, the College charter was signed, sparking the beginning of a nearly 200-year history.…
By Narena Nerahoo, Fathima Yumna Hussain, and Olivia Bamford Exercise increases blood flow, which improves function of the heart, muscles, immune system…
By Narena Nerahoo ’24, Fathima Yumna Hussain ’25, and Olivia Bamford ’24 All students are invited to participate in the National College Health Assessment…
Do you feel like what you accomplish is never good enough? Do you feel you must give more than 100% on everything you do or else you are a failure? Do…
The spring 2023 final exam schedule is available. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your professor.