Jan 25, 2023
Updates to the Class Dean team and Office of Advising staff
The Office of Advising & Co-Curricular Programs announces a new first-year class dean and some additional shifts on the team. Please visit their webpage…
The Office of Advising & Co-Curricular Programs announces a new first-year class dean and some additional shifts on the team. Please visit their webpage…
You can help to guide the Campus Master Plan process, which lays out a framework for the College over the next 10-to-20 years. Lafayette is working with…
The College Writing Program is pleased to announce that our drop-in hours kick-off Sun., Jan. 29. Drop-in hours occur throughout the semester from 3-5…
Throughout the month of February, a series of six films will be shown in Hugel 103 in recognition of Black History Month. Sponsored by the Office of Intercultural…
Want to design something that is all over posters, merchandise, and social media? Design the next LAFCHELLA logo! Submit a draft or design by 12 p.m. Feb…
Lafayette’s Sustainability Community meetings are open to anyone interested in learning about or becoming involved with sustainability on campus. Students…
The Office of Religious & Spiritual Life and the Department of Languages and Literary Studies will hold a memorial service to honor and celebrate the life…
Interested in participating in the upcoming Mathematical Contest in Modeling or Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling? Join us for pizza and an informational…
Blood inventory is at critical levels. The Miller-Keystone Blood Center, in coordination with the Landis Center for Community Engagement, Alpha Phi, and…
Professor Dana Cuomo (Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies) has been awarded an Information Literacy Grant for Spring 2023. Students in Professor Cuomo’s…