Sep 22, 2021
Volunteer at LaFarm
No experience needed, and transportation is provided. Join LaFarm for compost spreading, farm cleanup, harvesting, and other wholesome fun.
No experience needed, and transportation is provided. Join LaFarm for compost spreading, farm cleanup, harvesting, and other wholesome fun.
Students can enjoy a commemorative blanket and stickers, a trivia night with an ice cream truck, a pudding popup, and other events.
President Hurd, Flor Caceres Godoy '22, and Sherryta Freeman shared a message to staff and faculty
Get updated on dining, when a class might temporarily switch to remote delivery, outside-the-classroom programming, and more.
Learn how to put together a successful application for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
In-person GroupFIT classes have started, including Zumba, Yoga Tone, Cycle 45, and Group Power (barbell strength). There also are classes with virtual…
From Sept. 15-Oct. 15, this celebration pays tribute to the generations of Latinx Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our society.
This four-vs.-four soccer tournament will raise funds to support Hispanic Center Lehigh Valley.
First-years and sophomores: Meet student reps from Alumni Relations, Annual Fund, and Gateway Career Center, Plus giveaways and raffle prizes.
Come to Marquis on Tuesday from 4:30-8 p.m. for this annual tradition, where chefs create a meal with 100% locally sourced ingredients.