May 1, 2024
College to continue Movies on the Quad film series in June
The College is happy to host Movies on the Quad for its third summer. The series of free film screenings will run June-August, and will be open to students…
The College is happy to host Movies on the Quad for its third summer. The series of free film screenings will run June-August, and will be open to students…
LCAT shuttles: Last day for the LCAT shuttles will be May 13 (this includes transportation to Metzgar Fields and the shuttle to the Arts Campus). Medical…
Attention, all students: Please come to the Campus Post Office and check for any packages or mail before you leave the campus for the summer. Any packages…
It’s time, once again, for the annual College Store Tent Sale! Come out Mon., May 6, and Tues., May 7, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Weather permitting, merchandise…
Each summer, Facilities schedules a main campus power shutdown to complete maintenance on the electrical distribution system. The plan is as follows: Sat…
Green Move Out is underway! This is a campus-wide sustainability and community service effort where students donate their unused or gently used items (clothes…
Take a break from studying for finals by interacting with mini therapy horses Star and Sassy on Tues., May 7, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Join the Counseling…
Learn about Ilha Do Arvoredo, a fully sustainable island off the coast of Brazil bought by 1924 alumnus Fernando Lee. A trailblazer, Lee had a vision to…
The College Writing Program is excited to announce that they will be offering drop-in hours during finals week, Sun., May 5, through Thurs., May 9, 3-5…
As the spring semester winds down and finals are right around the corner, check out the list of study breaks and study spaces available to you. Study Breaks…