Apr 12, 2024
Week in the Arts: April 15-21
FAMS 101 Screening Series | Animation + The Plasmatic April 15 MORE Danish String Quartet (Performance Series: chamber) April 16 MORE H. MacKnight…
FAMS 101 Screening Series | Animation + The Plasmatic April 15 MORE Danish String Quartet (Performance Series: chamber) April 16 MORE H. MacKnight…
Student Government is collecting nominations for the Superior Teaching Awards. These awards are nominated and selected by students and given to two outstanding…
Join the Dyer Center to hear from real estate’s next movers and shakers! For the sixth year running, Lafayette students will present their best real…
This week Lafayette is hosting a special annual celebration in honor of Earth Day. EarthFest will occur 1-5 p.m. Thurs., April 18, on the Quad and will…
The Dyer Center invites all students, faculty, alumni, parents, and friends to enjoy an incredible night of student ideas. In addition to the $3,000 up…
Lafayette for Reproductive Autonomy, Justice, and Empowerment (L-RAJE), Student Government, and the College are pleased to announce they have identified…
Join the Hanson Center 4:15 p.m. Wed., April 24 in Kirby 104 for a panel discussion on Systemic Inequalities in Health and Healthcare featuring physicians…
XLC – Lafayette Admissions Accepted Student Day will be Sunday, April 14! The lunch for this event will feature local food trucks set up around the perimeter…
Prof. Youshaa Patel (Lafayette College) will introduce his recent publication, The Muslim Difference (Yale 2022), an American Academy of Religion Book…
Lafayette is transitioning from Kaltura to Panopto as the solution for managing and sharing video content. Panopto offers enhanced functionality, improved…