Online workshops

EAP workshops present learning materials and study strategies that help English language learners succeed in academics. Students also can use this opportunity to exchange language learning experience. See the workshop schedule and registration information.

Peer tutoring

Partnering with the Academic Resource Hub, four EAP tutors were hired to offer tutoring for English language learners starting this semester. English language learners now can schedule one-on-one tutoring sessions through the tutoring website, TutorTrac; the EAP Center is listed as EAP 100 there. Learn how to schedule an appointment on TutorTrac.

Conversation PARDner group chat sessions

Partnering with the Intercultural Development Office, conversation PARDners will lead several group chat sessions through Zoom this semester to discuss various interesting topics. You can invite international and domestic students to join these discussions to practice their spoken language skills and develop their intercultural competence. See the group chat schedule and registration information.

LVAIC TESOL Conference

You are invited to the first virtual LVAIC TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Conference. Space is limited, and registration by Sept. 14 is required. Learn more.

For more information about EAP services provided to faculty and English language learners, visit the EAP webpage or contact Tingting Kang.

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