FAP and the administration agree that maintaining existing staff and faculty positions remains one of the pillars of weathering the pandemic. At the most recent meeting on Aug. 20, FAP discussed how the budgetary measures already taken are intended to ensure tenure-track positions are preserved and specifically discussed pre-tenured faculty. The administration confirmed that supporting pre-tenured faculty is one of its highest priorities, and the administration is committed to protecting those positions, even in scenarios where there are worsening impacts of COVID-19.

FAP also discussed faculty priorities during the pandemic and decided to lead an effort to provide consistent promotion and tenure expectations for teaching, scholarship, and service at the College and department level so individual faculty members and review committees can have a reasonably clear understanding of expectations during these unprecedented circumstances. This is a challenging task, but FAP is reviewing updated departmental guidelines, soliciting input from department heads and program chairs, and welcomes input in any form that could inform these discussions. If you have thoughts, suggestions, data, or documents to share, please contact Daniel Sabatino, chair of FAP.

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