Chris Selena of the Hub

Chris Selena

It cannot be overstated how much team members in the Academic Resource Hub support and impact our students in positive ways. Chris Selena, Jill Heilman, Marty Sullivan, Amy Arnold, Carly Riepenhoff, Amy Rutt, and Conni McDermott work together to ensure that critical functions such as peer tutoring, supplemental instruction, accessibility services, academic support for student-athletes, and academic skills counseling and workshops are ready and available, whether students are on-campus or remote. They do an amazing job of ensuring that all of these specialty areas are meeting the needs of our students—no small task when keeping in mind the intricacies and many modes of learning in our academic programs, and our responsibility in American higher education. This field of student and academic support has grown and evolved immensely over the last five-ten years, and the Hub team has shown time and time again that they are innovative and up to the challenge.

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