A New York City School with a playing field in front of itJoin the McKelvy House Scholars online on Sunday at 4 p.m. for a discussion led by Fatimata Cham ’23. Email the group for the Zoom link. Fatimata provides this background:

Growing up in NYC and having the privilege to attend a school in another state, something I have always been passionate about is the education system. During the Civil Rights movement when calls for integration were made for schools in the South, schools in the North stayed for the most part the same. In this discussion, we will be exploring inequalities in the NYC public school education system and addressing systemic racism and inequality within the education system.

Questions to think about

  1. What causes educational inequality?
  2. What does the education system look like in your city?
  3. How are public schools funded and how does that impact distribution across schools?
  4. Why are NYC public schools still segregated?
  5. Why is diversity important within schools?


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/26/nyregion/school-segregation-new-york.html
  2. https://archiveglobal.org/context-learning-new-york-citys-educational-disparity/
  3. https://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/closethegap/statistical-evidence-on-wealth-inequality-in-education-systems/
  4. https://newyorkschooltalk.org/2016/12/new-report-nyc-public-school-system-characterized-vast-inequalities/
  5. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/ok-boomer-new-york-city-public-schools-desegregate
  6. https://integratenyc.org



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