Chris Cohen smiles.There are certain people in life who make the world better. They make you smile and fill you with a unique and comforting warmth every time you think of them. Nearly everyone who meets them loves them and strives to be like them. Chris is one of these people.
Chris works tirelessly as the coordinator for Lafayette’s America Reads Program, a federal work-study program that employs around 70 students each semester who tutor at sites throughout Easton.

Chris does not view this program as just a job, but instead, as a way to make a difference in someone’s life. Chris has an extremely strong bond with her community partners and has built a very successful program for tutors involved. Regardless of her relationship with you, Chris has empathy for every single person she encounters and consistently reiterates being available for support.

Chris is beloved by her tutors because of the interest she takes in their individual success. Chris is the first one to offer time off from work if needed, a baked good to cheer up your day, or sometimes, just an ear to listen. Chris constantly looks to shine the spotlight on her tutors and programs rather than herself. She is the first one to recognize a job well done or a special occasion—the true definition of a selfless being.

Especially with the challenges of going virtual this semester, Chris has been unwavering in her commitment to both the Easton community and the tutors employed by America Reads. She worked tirelessly throughout the semester to implement virtual tutoring at various sites and launched the creation of virtual content to help provide enrichment activities for students in the Easton Area School District. Throughout the semester, tutors could count on Chris to send encouraging emails full of needed motivational messages, reminding tutors of their value and importance to our community.

In summary, Chris is the definition of an unsung hero, giving 110% to improve her community and the lives of those around her, without expectation of anything in return.
—by Brooke Paccione ’21, Mary Foulk, Melissa Ash, and Chelsea Cefalu

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