The 2021 report includes statistics over the previous three years for reported crimes that occurred on campus, in on‐campus student housing facilities, in certain off‐campus buildings and property owned or controlled by the College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus.

Additionally, the report includes information on institutional policies concerning campus security; timely warnings and emergency notifications; crime reporting; alcohol use and possession; policies regarding prevention of sexual assault; dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and investigation of reports of those offenses; and other matters. Information on fire safety policies and procedures as well as fire safety statistics and systems installed in the residence halls also is included.

The report complies with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and additionally includes a summary of campus crime statistics that is compiled in accordance with the Pennsylvania College and University Security Information Act.

You may obtain a written copy at the Department of Public Safety, 901 Bushkill Drive.

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