Dear Colleagues,

After productive working group discussions last semester, the CCS revision process has now reached an exciting and important stage. Two of the areas of work that have emerged so far are clarifying the nature of GM 1, GM 2, and V, and the relationship between them; and developing a sharper focus on issues related to race and social justice in the CCS.

The next step is to develop a concrete proposal advancing these two strands. In other words, how can we re-envision the three attribute spots that are currently called GM 1, GM 2, and V so that we are addressing the concerns referred to above, and how can we provide our students with a CCS that does not reflect the early 2000s but the present, and that will be resilient into the future?

Questions to consider include but are not limited to: Should one of the GM attributes be retained and the other redesigned as a RSJ (race and social justice) attribute? Should V be revised, partly because of issues inherent in V, and partly as a result of changes to the other two attributes?

These and other questions will concern CCS Working Group 2 this semester. The group’s goal is to present a concrete proposal for feedback from the full faculty by the end of the semester. This is the most decisive stage of the revision process as it involves making important, concrete decisions.

Due to membership turnover between semesters, WG 2 is now looking for faculty members who are interested in shaping this important part of the new CCS. Academic affinities to the topics mentioned are welcome but not a must. WG 2 meetings are every other week.

If you are interested in participating and shaping the conversations and decisions, or if you have questions, please let us know!

The CCS Steering Committee
Alex Brown
Markus Dubischar, co-chair
Larry Malinconico, co-chair
Joe Shieber, CEP chair
Julie Smith

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