Lafayette welcomes the employees who recently joined our community! Start dates are listed. Part-time employees are designated with an asterisk.

Academic Division
Sarah Beck, visual resources curator, Williams Center for the Arts, Dec. 6
Eric Doyle, chemistry storeroom manager/chemical hygiene officer, Nov. 22
Christa Kelleher ’08, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, Dec. 1
Corinne West, Nov. 26*

John Troxell ’94, Fred M. Kirby II ’42 Head Football Coach, Dec. 15

Campus Life
Karen Forbes, Nov. 22*

Enrollment Management
Daniel Brown, enrollment data analyst/associate dIrector of enrollment analytics, Enrollment Services, Nov. 1
Justine Itterly, Jan. 3, 2022

Finance and Administration
Michael Chovanes, associate director of facilities operations, Nov. 15
Eric Ehrhardt, HVAC mechanic, Facilities Operations, Nov. 22
Kenneth Taylor, Steam Plant Operator, Facilities Operations, Dec. 13

Investments Office
John Dailey, investment director, Nov. 8

Development and College Relations
Kathy Griggs, assistant to the VP for development and college relations, Dec. 1
Wendy Connuck, Nov. 22*

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