You are invited to compete for the H. MacKnight Black Competition in Poetry Prize (open to seniors only).
A maximum of three poems may be submitted, each typed on a separate sheet of paper. All poems submitted must be original and unpublished in campus publications or elsewhere, including on blogs and anywhere else on the Internet. The poems must be labeled with the name of the prize. The writer’s name, class year, email address, and phone number must appear on the accompanying envelope or folder but not on the poems themselves.
All entries must be submitted to Ms. Maureen Mulrooney, administrative assistant, Department of English, 316 Pardee, no later than noon on March 22.
Donika Kelly
The H. MacKnight Black Prize ($500 by deed of gift) is awarded annually in memory of H. MacKnight Black ’16, who at the time of his death in 1931 was one of America’s significant poets. Entries are judged by award-winning poets. The judge of the 2022 H. MacKnight Black Competition will be Donika Kelly, the author of THE RENUNCIATIONS (Graywolf 2021) and BESTIARY (Graywolf). BESTIARY is the winner of the Cave Canem Poetry Prize, a Hurston/Wright Legacy Award for Poetry, and the Kate Tufts Discovery Award.
If you have any questions, please contact Professor Megan Fernandes.