Interested in joining a team of passionate students who want to make the campus a safer place? Consider applying to the first group of Interpersonal Violence Peer Educators!

Working under the Student Advocacy and Prevention Coordinator, this Peer Education group is a dedicated and passionate group of students working to promote a healthier and safer campus for all students.

The mission is to raise awareness about the severity and widespread impact of interpersonal violence and deliver prevention programming to address the foundational causes of interpersonal violence.

Members undergo extensive training on a variety of topics related to anti-violence and anti-oppression work, supportive services, interpersonal violence dynamics, and facilitation skills.

Peer Educators will focus around 3 themes of supporting the campus community:
-Outreach: members host events and awareness campaigns while working together with other groups and departments in order to provide a holistic and collaborative approach to addressing violence at Lafayette and our community
-Education: delivery of required programming to targeted groups, that is evidence based and undergoes regular evaluations
-Referral: members are aware of available off and on campus resources and guide those impacted to supportive professionals

Peer Educators will facilitate workshops on topics such as: healthy relationships, gender socialization, health sexuality, bystander intervention, and supporting survivors. They present to first year students, residence halls, athletic teams, fraternities and sororities, as well as student organizations.

Applications are now due 11:59 p.m. Fri., April 1. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this group, please reach out to Katy Bednarsky.

Apply now.

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