The Landis Center is bringing awareness to criminal justice reform the week of March 7-11 for Criminal Justice Reform Awareness Week! Take a look at the various events planned for March 7-9, including a Mojos fundraiser, discussions with PASA and Dear Lafayette, and a professional panel:

Mon., March 7: Stop by Mojos between 11 a.m.-2 p.m., and 10% of your order will go towards the NAACP of Easton.

Also Monday, come discuss gender, violence, and prisons with PASA from noon-1 p.m. in Hugel 103. We will also be discussing Orange is the New Black and how it is portrayed in the media. Pizza will be provided!

Tues., March 8: Join a discussion on abolition led by Dear Lafayette from noon-1p.m. in Hugel 103. Pizza will be provided.

Wed., March 9: Come learn from professionals in the Easton community who can speak on criminal justice reform. The panel will be in Hugel 103 from 6:30-7:30 p.m., and dinner will be provided.


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