The 2022-23 academic year is here and the Office of Educational Equity would like to share some important information with the Lafayette community. The College is committed to providing a prompt and equitable response to reports of harassment and discrimination, including sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct. Refer to the Educational Equity Annual Report for the information reported in 2021-22 related to instances of alleged sexual harassment or misconduct, and other forms of harassment and discrimination and how they are handled.
The Title IX Resource Guide details the supportive measures, reporting and resolution options, and other resources that can be discussed with the director of educational equity and Title IX coordinator in instances of sexual harassment or other forms of sexual misconduct.
As a reminder, Lafayette College has designated most college employees as Mandated Reporters, who are obligated by policy to share knowledge, notice, and/or reports of harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation with the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator. Refer to sections 7 and 19 of the Policy on Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Non-Discrimination for more detailed information about Mandated Reporting. To view a brief 17-minute session on Mandated Reporting from Lafayette’s Director of Educational Equity, login to Spaces.
Lafayette College complies with the NCAA Board of Governors Policy on Campus Sexual Violence, including its new attestation requirements. The College is closely monitoring the Department of Education’s 2022 Proposed Amendments to its Title IX Regulations, and will keep the community informed of any changes to its policy and procedures. Click here for a summary of the major provisions of the Title IX Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Video Resources were recorded this summer and provide more information on Reporting Options; Confidential Campus and Community Resources; Medical Resources; and Other Supportive Lafayette Campus Resources.
To submit a report of sexual harassment or other form of harassment or discrimination, use the One Pard form. Refer to Lafayette – Get Informed for more information on the College’s policy and procedures. Still have a question – please contact Amanda Hanincik, Director of Educational Equity and Title IX Coordinator.