Policy Studies is hosting a 2022 election forecasting contest. All currently enrolled Lafayette students are eligible to participate. The winner will have the best predictions for the election outcomes in 30 selected U.S. House, Senate, and gubernatorial races. The grand prize is a VIP weekend in Washington, D.C. with a private tour at one of the following locations: the White House, Capitol, or Supreme Court. The winner will also receive up to $2,000 for travel expenses, courtesy of Peter Jacoby ’81. To view full contest rules and submit your predictions, go to https://bit.ly/lafelectionforecast2022. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Ye. Deadline for the forecasting contest is 11:59 p.m. Nov. 6.

Want tips on how to predict election results and find reliable sources? Attend our election forecasting workshop Nov. 2 from 12:15 to 1 p.m. in Skillman Library Room 206 • MORE

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