PAVE logoPeer Anti-Violence Educators (PAVE) is a group of 14 dedicated and passionate Peer Educators (PEs) that works under the Student Advocacy and Prevention Coordinator to promote a healthier and safer campus for all students. All PEs have undergone over 30 hours of training to facilitate engaging discussions with their peers about interpersonal relationships and violence prevention. The mission is to raise awareness about the severity and widespread impact of interpersonal violence and deliver prevention programming to address its foundational causes. This group recognizes that interpersonal violence can happen to anyone, regardless of identity, status, or class year.

A shift in structure has occurred over the past year, with interpersonal violence peer education now under the guidance of the Student Advocacy and Prevention Coordinator. This structure has been inspired by the Kaleidoscope Peer Educators who are led by Rev. Alex Hendrickson. Our partner institutions, within Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC), structure their peer education groups in affiliation with staff departments as well, to ensure sustainability, compliance, adequate training, and investment in student leaders. On Lafayette’s campus, Pards Against Sexual Assault (PASA) still functions as an active and engaging student organization. This shift provides PASA with the opportunity to focus their attention on awareness, activism, and advocacy, delivering annual programs like Take Back Night, while giving PAVE the opportunity to achieve their three main goals of outreach, prevention education, and referral.

PAVE is student-led and centered around elevating student survivor voices. Under the leadership of a prevention specialist, PAVE’s programming and workshops align with federal/state compliance for sexual violence programming, as well as evidence based practices and strategies. All programs are delivered in a peer-to-peer model.

PAVE is trained to facilitate workshops on several different topics such as healthy relationships, bystander intervention, supporting survivors, and consent. If your group or organization is interested, click here to request a PAVE workshop! Presentations can be scheduled starting Mon., Nov. 7.

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