The Hanson Center for Inclusive STEM Education will be holding a range of programs during the spring semester around the theme, Culture of STEM.

  • As part of these events, Dr. Erin Cech (University of Michigan) who will present on “Professional Cultures and Inequality in STEM.” 7 p.m. Feb. 22 • MORE
  • Later in the semester Dr. Mary Blair-Loy (University of California, San Diego) will speak on “Misconceiving Merit: Paradoxes of Excellence and Devotion in Academic Science . . . And What To Do About It.” 4:10 p.m. April 13 • MORE

Keeping with the semester’s theme, the Hanson Center Reading Group will read Blair-Loy and Cech’s new book Misconceiving Merit: Paradoxes of Excellence and Devotion in Academic Science and Engineering (University of Chicago Press). If you are interested in discussing this book–which has been described as “an incisive study showing how cultural ideas of merit in academic science produce unfair and unequal outcomes”– fill out this form. Colleagues from all academic departments and programs are welcome to join in this discussion!

Sign up for the Hanson Center newsletter to learn about other events as part of the Culture of STEM programming.

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