Narena Nerahoo, Fathima Yumna Hussain, and Olivia Bamford, student writers for Bailey Health Center, are pictured in front of the health center.By Narena Nerahoo, Fathima Yumna Hussain, and Olivia Bamford

Exercise increases blood flow, which improves function of the heart, muscles, immune system, and brain. Physical activity lowers stress, produces endorphins, and improves sleep.

“Exercise is one of the pillars for maintaining good health,” says Dr. Jeff Goldstein, who oversees Bailey Health Center. “Cheap, effective, and without side effects, exercise is often misunderstood as a nice option if time allows. Everyone should incorporate exercise into their busy lifestyle, especially for those struggling with depression and anxiety. A recent review of more than 1,000 research trials demonstrated that exercise is an effective way to treat anxiety and depression—and it can be even more beneficial than medication and counseling.”

One of the best times to exercise is before you study. Movement increases synaptogenesis, which increases long-term memory formation. 

Alex Beckmann, an athletic trainer in Kirby Sports Medicine, says that just 45 minutes a day of cardio/strength training can greatly improve health and well-being, and that the best way to increase physical activity is by going outside.

Looking for a new way to exercise on campus? Some creative ways to exercise on campus include (but certainly are not limited to!):

  1. Intramural sports (students can even win prizes for participation)–check OurCampus for events
  2. Zumba
  3. Yoga
  4. Cycle45
  5. Jog around the campus! It’s super pretty before everyone is out and about.
  6. Climbing wall
  7. Squash courts
  8. Intro to Weightlifting group classes
  9. Swimming
  10. Swings!

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