Starting Fri., July 21, there will be a new Lafayette Today submission form! Your feedback helped to revise the form to better share news from across campus.

Four new features:

  1. Formatting: You will be able to bold, italicize, and add links! 
  2. Attribution: Your name will show with your entry. If anyone has questions, they can reach out for details.
  3. Word count: There are SO MANY great events to share. Going forward, submissions must be under 800 characters (Psst: just like this post!). Need more space? Link to the calendar or a department website. Note: Entries will be edited for emails.
  4. New deadline: Submit news by noon at least two business days before the next email. Entries after the deadline will be included in the next edition. You can always share news in advance. Just note the date it can run on the form.