a seated portrait of a woman of color wearing a blue blouse and black pants. Her hand is touching her chin.

Here’s a sneak peek of an upcoming story featuring Eurnett Christopher ’25 about her recent accomplishments and Lafayette College journey. | Adam Atkinson

A student in a bright green jacket facing the camera looks to her left while snow falls.

A student paused for a photo during the first flurries of the season. | Adam AtkinsonA student, in a dark room, leans in to calibrate a 3d printer. The printer is square shaped and emits a bright light.

Engineering student, Bryan Osipower ’26, is busy calibrating a 3D printer that he has repaired. | Adam Atkinson

Silouette of a student writing notes a wall sized dry erase board.

Rosetta Serrano ’27 preps for finals and writes notes on a dry erase board in RISC. | Adam Atkinson


Professor of Civil Engineering Steve Kurtz observes a student welding. | Alfred Greenbaum


MORE | Check out this photo gallery from Finals Week