Planning an event? Here are some best practices for sharing it with all faculty, staff, and students through Lafayette Today.

Don’t delay, and send your event in as soon as you book a room, so that it can be featured in a timely manner.

Recommended event workflow

  1. Pick your date and time (check the calendar to see what else is happening on that particular date).
  2. Reserve space and order catering (if needed) through the event scheduling platform,

• If your event needs a specific set up, access to electricity, etc. please complete a work order at least two weeks prior to the event (Faculty/staff through FAMIS; student organizations through OurCampus).

3.     Create the event

• College events are submitted to

• Student events for students by student organizations use OurCampus.

4.    Promote the event

• If needed, create a post about the event on your website.

Send through a submission form to Lafayette Today so the post is also featured on, and in an upcoming email. Be sure to include the calendar link for your event. Submissions must be 800 characters or less but can link back to your website for more detail.

• Learn more about best practices and FAQs for submitting info to Lafayette Today.

• Deadlines for inclusion in Lafayette Today: A submission form must be filled out by noon two business days before the email.

• Booked the room and ready to submit your news—even if the event isn’t for a few weeks? In the submission form, where it asks ‘Is this announcement ready to post?’ >> Select NO. This brings up a calendar where you can choose the date your item can run.

Note for students: Events on OurCampus go through an approval queue managed by Student Involvement. Once approved, you can use that event link to submit your event through Lafayette Today.