Join the Hanson Center 4:15 p.m. Wed., April 24 in Kirby 104 for a panel discussion on Systemic Inequalities in Health and Healthcare featuring physicians and administrators from St. Luke’s University Health Network and Lehigh Valley Health Network. Discover how our local community is addressing systemic inequalities in healthcare. Panelists include Dr. Ikemefuna Akusoba and Dr. Rajika Reed from St. Luke’s, and Dr. Jessica Eygnor and Dr. Joseph Yozviak from Lehigh Valley.

The panel presentation and “Q&A” will take place from 4:15-5:30 p.m., and will be followed by a reception and informal discussion until 6 p.m. This panel discussion is the final event in the Hanson Center’s spring programming on Systemic Inequalities in Health and Healthcare and it is co-sponsored by the Health Professions Program.

Submitted by: Wendy Hill