Welcome to the Side Hustle venture, created by two passionate Dyer Fellows, Jahi Amani Heath ’25 and Dina Azar ’25. Drawing from their extensive expertise in entrepreneurship gained through personal journeys and experiences within the Dyer Fellowship, these students are driven by a singular purpose: to share their knowledge and cultivate a vibrant community of student entrepreneurs on campus. The mission is clear: to foster an environment that not only supports but also encourages collaboration, innovation, and transformation for every student with entrepreneurial aspirations. Join the journey to embark on a path to empower and uplift the entrepreneurial spirit at Lafayette College.

This vendor fair will feature students with side ventures, such as hair, makeup, and DJ services, tabling to share information about their businesses. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thurs., April 25 • Farinon Atrium • MORE

Submitted by: Jahi Amani Heath